
Email Statements

The permission needed to access this page is "Access Finance".

To email statements to your members, use this page. A PDF account statement will be created and emailed to each member that matches the selection criteria.

To include your club logo in the PDF, set this on the "Setup > Club > Club details" page.

The form has the following options:

Date From/To - The dates you want the statements to cover.

Include Inactive Members - Check this if you want statements for inactive members to be emailed out.

Only Include Unpaid Invoices - Check this to only include invoices that are unpaid in the statement. Otherwise, a member that has been at the club for a long time will probably have a very long statement if you include all paid invoices.

Select Individuals - Select individual members to email here.

Select Club Groups - Select one or more groups to email here.

Select Club Sessions- Select one or more sessions to email here.

Email Subject - Enter the email subject.

Insert Email Template - Insert a saved email template into the email body. This will replace any text currently in the body field.

You can use the "First Name" and "Last Name" tags in this email.