
Learn to Swim terms

The permission required to access this page is "Manage Learn To Swim Terms".

If your club teaches members to swim, you can create "terms" with lessons that you can assign to your members.

To create a term, click the "Add Term" button.

Any fee you enter will be used when you create invoices for all members assigned to any lessons in that term.

If you link a progress report to this term, any members added to it will automatically get the progress report assigned to them.

Term Lessons

Once you've added a term, you can add lessons to it either in bulk, or one at a time.

Click on a term.

Add Multiple Lessons

Click the "Add Multiple Lessons" button and complete the form.

There are the following options:

  • Calendar Colour - The colour the lesson will be on the learn to swim calendar

  • Lesson Location - The location of the lesson (which pool etc)

  • Day of Week - Select the day of the week the lesson is on

  • Start time - The time the lesson starts

  • End time - The time the lesson ends

  • Max Swimmers - The maximum amount of swimmers you want in this lesson at any one time

  • Teacher - The learn-to-swim teacher

  • Add Lessons to Assigned Swimmers - Check this and any swimmers assigned to this term will be added to the new lessons. You will be emailed when complete.

When you click the "Add Lessons" button, the system will create a lesson on each day of the week you select that is between the term dates.

Add Single Lesson

Use this option to add a single lesson on a specific date.

Add Members to Term

To add members to this term in bulk, click the "Add Members To Term" button.

Add an age range or group to filter the list, then click the "List Members" button.

Select each member you want to add to this term, then click the "Add Members To Term Lessons" button.

Adding Lessons to Swimmers

Once you have added your terms and lessons, to add them to your swimmers, view a swimmer and click on the "Learn to swim lessons" tab. Click on the "Add lessons" button and select one or more lessons to add to that member.