
Discussion Forums

Discussion forums allow you to create areas where your members can talk about stuff. You can create as many forums and topics as you like.

If you have the "Forum Administrator" permission, you will see a green "Add Forum" button. Click it to create a forum.

To lock a specific forum to one of more groups or roles, select them here. Then, only members in the groups or roles will be able to see this forum.

Once you have created a forum, click on the "View Forum" button to go into it. You will see a list of topics people have added to this forum.

To create a topic, click the "Add Topic" button.

To view a forum topic, click on the topic name.

To add a post, click on the "Add Post" button.

There are 3 buttons above the topic:

  • Subscribe Topic - Click this and every time someone posts on this topic, you will receive an email.

  • View Subscribers - If you have the "Forum Administrator" permission, you will see this button. Clicking it allows you to see who has subscribed to this topic.

  • Delete Topic - If you are the topic author, or have the "Forum Administrator" permission, you will see this button. Clicking on it will delete the topic and all posts within it.