
Running a HyTek Style Meet

After you have created a HyTek style meet, you will be taken to the meet details page.

This page contains the following sections:

This menu contains the following options:

Edit Meet

Click this to edit the meet details.


This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Attendees (with medical details)

  • Attendees (without medical details)

  • Entry File - This is the file you send to the hosting club, if your club is competing at a hosted meet, and the host club is using HyTek to manage it.

  • Meet Swimmers (by event)

  • Meet Swimmer (by swimmer)


This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Download Import Template - If you want to import your results without a HyTek results file, this is the template to use

  • Import HyTek Results File - If you have the hyTek results file for this meet, you can import it here and it will import all of the swim times from it, and assign them to the swimmer/event.

  • Import Results Template File - Manually import the results using the template above.


This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Non-formal Names - Uses the swimmer's "Known As" field.

  • Formal Names - Uses the swimmer's first and last name.


This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Meet eligibility - Run this report to see who qualifies for each event.

  • Meet Fees (PDF) - Download a pdf to see what your meet fees will be once you invoice the swimmers.

  • Meet Fees (Excel) as above but in Excel format.

  • Open Meet Performance Sheet - Allows you to compare the swimmers against up to 4 qualifying time groups.

Text Members

Send a text message (SMS) to your members.

Send Emails

Send an email to your members regarding this meet.

Sent Emails

See the emails sent out regarding this meet.

Add Invoices

Create the invoices for the meet. Each swimmer will receive 1 invoice listing the events they are swiming.

Email Invoices

Email the meet invoices.

Add Document

Add documents to the meet.

Event File Options

This section contains all the information about the meet, such as meet type, venue, address, start date etc

Club Options

This section contains information not in the meet entry file.


This section lists any documents that have been added to the meet.

Confirmed Swimmers

This section contains swimmers that have responded to an email you sent out. It will list if they can or can not attend, as well as the events they selected.

This menu contains the following options:

Accept All Entries

Clicking this will accept all swimmers that have been added to all events.

Bulk Update

This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Swimmer Status - This allows you to bulk update all swimmers in the team to set their status, as well as remove them from the team.

  • Event Fees - This allows you to either add a certain amount to each event fee or set all event fees to a set amount that you enter.

Hide Empty Events

Clicking this will hide any events that have no swimmers assigned. Clicking it again will un-hide them.

Add Events

This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Add Single Event - This allows you to manually add an event to the meet

  • Import Multiple Events - This allows you to import the events from an event template. This one is useful if you created the meet manually, ie without importing a HyTek event file.

Add Swimmers

This is a drop-down menu containing the following options:

  • Add Swimmer Manually.

  • Add All Eligible Swimmers Automatically.


Next is the list of events. When your swimmers start selecting their events (mentioned below), this will start filling up with the swimmers automatically.

The events were taken from the HyTek import file, but sometimes you need to edit them, for example, change the event fee.

To edit an event, click on the blue pencil icon on the right-hand side and a popup will open containing the event details.

Make your amendments, then click the "Update" button.

Adding Swimmers

There are 2 ways to add swimmers to a meet:


On the top menu, click the "Send Emails" link. There are various options to select who you want to email, but the easiest is the "Select All Eligible Members" option. Checking that will email all members in the club that qualify for at least one event.

Before you send an email out, it's a good idea to run the "Meet Eligibility" report under "Reports" on the top menu. This will email you a spreadsheet of all members in the club listed under the events they qualify for.

If you have set the meet type to either "Open Meet" or "Club Champs", the swimmers will be able to select which events they would like to swim. The other options only allow them to say if they can or can't attend.

Make sure the "Include link to confirm" option is selected when sending the email. The email will then contain a link for them to click on to take them to a page to select their events etc.


To add swimmers to an event manually, scroll to the event in question and click the green "Add Swimmers To Event X" button. A list of swimmers that qualify for that event will appear.

The table of swimmers contains the following information:

Member - This is the member's name

DOB - Their date of birth

Age - Their age according to the meet "Age on date"

Gender - Their gender

PB - Their fastest time (logged in SCM) for this event

Entry Time - Their entry time - if there is a PB, this will be filled in automatically

Course - The course the entry time was swam in

Date Swam - The date the entry time was swam

Location - Where the entry time was swam

Check box - Select this option to add this swimmer to the event

Click the "Add Swimmers" button at the bottom of the table to add the selected swimmers.

Creating the Team

Once some swimmers have been added to your events, you can then start selecting the team. The list of swimmers under each event contains the following columns:

In Team

This is the option that determines if this swimmer is in the team for this event. Click the check box to add a swimmer to the team and it is saved in the background automatically.


There are the following statuses to choose from:

  • Selected

  • Confirmed by host

  • Declined by host

  • Confirmed as reserve

Click the word "Empty" to set the status.


The swimmer's name


The leg they are swimming (if a relay event)


The swimmer's PB for this event (has to be already logged in SCM)

Entry Time

The swimmer's entry time for this event.

Entry Time Course

The course (Short or Long) for the entry time.


Any notes the swimmer added when selecting the event.


The swimmer's date of birth.


The swimmer's age according to the meet's "Age on date".


The swimmer's gender.


A link to the invoice for this member (once you have created the meet invoices).

Member's Confirm Page

A link to the member's confirm page. This is the same link the members click on to confirm their attendance and select their events.

This is useful if you want to see exactly what the member sees when they click the link in the email, or if you want to select events on behalf of the member, for whatever reason.


Before you can add volunteers, you need to assign a volunteer template. To create a volunteer template, go to "Setup > Club > Volunteer Templates".

Once created, edit the event details and select the relevant template.

Click the "Add Volunteers" button.

You will see a list of the roles on your volunteer template, and a drop-down allowing you to select who you would like to volunteer for each role.

Make your selections and then click the "Add Volunteers" button.

To email the volunteers, click the "Email Volunteers" button.